티스토리 뷰

}); $ 55,468 / $ 207,149 2/17 Day 2 Saturday $ 141,992 / $ 58,788 3/2 $ 226,498 / $ 122,952 Sunday 17 Day 3/3

I could haeol. Taking the first film, What now? - before the movie is really good. This film is not greedy, but I did a lot of trouble early in Articles filming. Now that I have started taking Ryu Seung-ryong, Yum Jung-ah seniors are attracted deundeunhage leaving a thin film called Body ttaga. In the words of the characters introduce noticeable's' first love boys. Some thing that delayed the first love image for actors

Are there things you want to turn back this year? It may be regretted and itgoyo could be so happy. - Curiously, coming recently went to see a friend perform at Pulls similar thoughts and questions. In January remember the last concert while watching the debut of a friend I emerged. Activities and perhaps even careful naseoneun seureowoseo I have cleared myself not talking about Warner wanted to work consciously. Because I was happy hour doedeoraguyo think naturally. Then go back to more

Evoke received much attention, such as Rising above the drama performer topical one, and received a passing grade as an actor, starring in the first work in a stable character acting and digestibility. Among ongseong crying last 10 was August gained the honor at the same time won the men newcomer and Korean star award at the '2019 Korea Drama Awards' held this '2019 AAA' for over once again receive the actress Division Rookie of the Year was the undisputed 2,019 Attention proved that the trend newcomer. The ongseong crying movie 'Life

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Director of the Director: Woo Min-Ho (The Insider, drug lords) Cast: Lee Byung-hun Lee Sung-min Kwak Do-won Lee Hee-joon gimsojin Plot: 1970 Washington. "Korea Gate" under the title of the hearing is underway in the US to South Korea lobbyists and lawmakers suspected that target their lobby. The Republic of Korea was under the control of the National Assembly at the time, party, constitution, military, and in the superior police agency Central Intelligence Agency, and to dictate its central information unit powers' baktong (Lee Sung-min). If you oppose the amendment soon in the middle of terrorism to eliminate it as a front tooth corresponds to a power, former CIA director bakyonggak (Kwak Do-won) who knows the secret of power is the United States can not endure death threats

I realize that. Dancing is accomplished things got out in front admit that my life is fun and naseoneun. From music to drama, and a new movie, it's a good stepping wiped procedure. - I'm willing deuryeotgo asked a lot of company. Things for the future, 'cause i-i lack eyes wide to see the whole work. People around with the skills,

I first got a hero's feature-length drama through. I think a lot of things for the first time truly experiences. Rageona experience exiting got out of the role. - If I did. But it did not until that. I wanted to live junwoo did not feel comfortable during the shoot. Then every time I look at it is not focused after all Let me give you the feeling coming out of the role eventually happen did happen. Would months been a big greedy (laughs) after the first drama I can say "It was hard naohneunge away from the role." I guess not.

Eating'll official signature V-muk-bang app ✩ sequel: Life is Beautiful Movie ✩ ✩ Fan Meeting: January 11, 2020 ✩ Ong ヽ ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇) St. ヽ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇) the right ヽ ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇) ヽ ('∇') ノ(∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇) and ヽ ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇) party ヽ ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ() ノ (ヽ'∇) ✩ ヽ ('∇') ノ (∇'ノ) ヽ () ノ (ヽ'∇)

In other works dealing with the process of the right to grab the container of life without giving them true life twist. Paragraph Director: Packs (worst day) Starring: Han Ji Min Nam Joo-hyuk Plot: Japanese film 's aid, the tiger and the fish "remake. [Ace movie maker DreamWorks] travel Investigation Director Chul - Hwan Park Cast: Bae Sung-woo jeonggaram Plot: The story takes place gamyeo travel to Seoul to jaesusa the murder of Wappa veteran detective 'jaehyeok' gold spoon rookie detective "jungho 'is questionable. Without a sound director: Hong legislative Cast: infant yujaemyeong Plot: The lives and clean up the crime

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